
Everything I Know about Kansas

 To be honest, I never gave the place much thought. I mean, there was The Wizard of Oz back in 1939. And there was that great band who did Leftoverture and other fine albums. And of late I have been enjoying their College Basketball team the Jayhawks. But that's about it.       I happened to be standing in line next to someone from the Free State who was there with his wife(also from there I guess)getting stuff you can't yet get in Kansas. Or from Missouri, where they resided, except with a medical card. And yes, this was at our new business establishment. The one that opened up at the beginning of this year, and still has a line no matter how early you get there.      They were originally from Topeka, which I knew was the state capital. Apparently, Topeka isn't much bigger than Springfield(pop. 117,000), and is just as unimposing as far as its buildings--maybe they have the same ordinance we do. Being one of those people who has one fact about da...

Everything I Know about New York City

It's my favorite big city in the world, not that I've visited all that many. Let's see:  Chicago of course, LA, Seattle, Boston, Baltimore and Tokyo. Tokyo would have to be the most populous, with 33 million people. More than all of Canada! But I digress. Back to New York.  New York City,  specifically Manhattan, has an energy all its own(though perhaps not always the healthiest of energies). Still, it's a place in which I'd have a permanent residence--if I had the means. I love that energy. Also the grandeur and dynamism of its architecture. My kinda town.      But it didn't start out that way. I went to school out East, in Baltimore MD, in the late 70's, and one early observation of my classmates was that there were basically two types of New Yorkers: 1)those from the actual area, one of the 5 Boroughs; and 2)those from the East Coast who pretended to be from New York. This latter category of folks, with their affectations, turned me off to the expe...

Everything I Know About College Basketball

Well if it were based on actual knowledge of the sport, this article--call it what you will--would already be over. Run the credits, show a cartoon, do what you have to do- we're done!    It's true. Even though I purport to write about it here,  I don't know shit from apple butter about College Basketball.    For the most part, sports have always been lost on me. Just never had the knack nor the interest in throwing or catching or otherwise batting around spherical objects, nor in watching others do the same. Added to my lack of aptitude and/or interest was the genetic element: being the son of a non-jock. I remember my Dad joking about he and I catching a Superbowl Sunday and wolfing down  lots of beer and pigs' knuckles! Dad has been gone for a good while, but he still cracks me up. Beer and pigs' knuckles indeed. How much more primal can you get?! But there is something to be said for playing sports, depending on the quality of the coaching. Lear...

Everything I Know About Denmark

I'm interested in most everything in this world except  Opera and Politics(though in this area I'm trying more these days)- oh, and most team sports. And even though I'm not much of a traveller, am very curious about the countries of the world, particularly the relatively out-of-the-way places. All three of the Scandinavian countries interest me, and for slightly different reasons-Norway for its scenic beauty and progressive social programs; Sweden for its  progressiveness and what I'd imagine to be some pretty striking scenic beauty.  Denmark is supposed to be a very flat country as far as terrain, so you wouldn't have the killer views, but I like their liberalism/humanitarianism, and their rather warped sense of humor as evidenced in their movies.   I'd never really thought much about that part of the world, except as a little kid reading in a book we had at home, on the history of civilization, called The Epic of Man  . Lavishly illustrated with be...

Everything I Know about Oklahoma

Within the repository of useless information otherwise known as Roger's Brain, there's an Okie File. A smallish compendium of facts about the great state of Oklahoma.  Being one of those people who know 2 or 3 facts about damn near everything, I have many such files between my ears. That was my impetus for starting up this blogsite, a way to channel all this useless or near-useless information into an entertaining format. Also a catharsis of sorts for me, getting it out of my system- or at least objectifying it in two-dimensional form.  Anyway.  I should say here at the outset that I've never been to Oklahoma, and don't know anyone from there. Once, as a road musician during the Winter of 1985 I was on a bus that drove through there- and I did wake up for a few seconds, so I guess I could say I've been there. Those few seconds were enough to satisfy my curiosity. No, my motivation to learn about Oklahoma came from a fairly cute girl who worked in one of tho...

The Body Beautiful

Human Physiology and Anatomy is something I've always had a bug for, in one capacity or another.  I had a couple years  in my 20s where I worked out with weights- and from there, learned a little bit about Human Anatomy. I knew about the upper back muscles, called Latissimus Dorsi; the shoulder muscles, called Deltoids, which are three bundles of 7 strands- called Deltoids because of their triangular shape, which resembles the Greek letter Delta.  All this information was gotten  from Muscle Mags, which I read at the time. As well as useful data and advice, they were interesting from a sociological point of view, being a most unique 'sub-culture' with its cast of characters and various intrigues.  But as far as any great muscular development, I just wasn't the right guy for the job. I am a mesomorphic ectomorph, a skinny-boned person who can put on some muscle- but not a lot. Unless you've got the genes, there's only so much you can do to improve your phy...

Celebrities' Real Names

 Probably on one of the lower eschelons as far as any real importance in life, but a fun thing to gather information about, at least if you're the kind of person who likes that sort of thing.  For better of worse, that's me.  There was a list of these celebrity birth names at the office, 5 or 6 years ago, when I was still engaged in the world of dayjob. It was circulated by  a fellow who loved to memorize stuff and then rattle it back at you. Somehow a lot of them got lodged into my own brain. So I'm sharing them here, in just a minute. Lucky you. I suppose something as meaningless as celebrities' birth names, and what and how they were modified could have some social relevance. The ones from the 40s and 50s do reflect attitudes after WWII, where you saw many German names 'whitebreaded'. One quick example before we get to the master list, is Fred Astaire. Frederick Austerlitz.  Well, then again, Astaire is more euphonious than Austerlitz. Less- auste...